“A light in the dark Danish winter! That’s what I thought when I arrived in Sønderborg late that mid-November night, after a long drive from Copenhagen and met Henrik from Relocation Syd. Not only had he found a brilliant accommodation in a city college (which was exactly what I needed at that time) but he also welcomed me with a little package: tourist information, a warm blanket and a lovely breakfast for the next morning. A friendly welcome, which helped me to start a new job in a new city with a light heart, overcoming the sadness of leaving home and friends. Later on, in the next spring, Henrik also helped me in finding a more permanent accommodation in a very nice location – downtown and very close to the water – which would not make me regret my Østerbro apartment and the pleasant walks around the lakes at sunset. Henrik was always there when I needed advice or assistance to find my way through and settle down. For this reason I have recommended Relocation Syd to a colleague and would not hesitate to recommend their services to anyone moving down here. Thanks so much, I have really appreciated your help!”
Anna Rita Gentile – Environmental Management – Mærsk Container Industri A/S Bjerndrupvej 47, Dk-6360 Tinglev